How to Manage Structured Content When You Use Salesforce Communities

You've made the investment in Salesforce, it's backed by management and the money has been spent. You are committed to using Salesforce as the platform for your Customer Service portal...

Barb Mosher Zinck | April 3, 2017

How Continuous Delivery Can Improve the Customer Experience

Keeping up with the competition and the demands of your customers requires constantly enhancing and improving your website or web application experience. But traditional approaches to...

Barb Mosher Zinck | March 23, 2017

Community: Value to Customers and the Business

Communities are a great way for companies to engage with and share information with their customers. These types of communities are owned and managed by the brand. They are about building...

Barb Mosher Zinck | October 11, 2016

The Perfect Customer Support Portal (From the Customer's Perspective)

Customer support portals can help streamline customer service programs - as long as you implement them the right way. The only way to get the answers you need is to ask the right questions...

Barb Mosher Zinck | July 22, 2016

Self-Service and Community: The Best Customer Service Scenarios

More and more, customers look to the web to find the answers they need. And that means your website is a critical component of your customer support strategy. You'll still have your call...

Barb Mosher Zinck | February 29, 2016